Mar 13, 2010


'The idea is that the placement of the planets at any given moment in time reflects the nature of that moment and especially anything which is born then.'

My design development began at the quirky notions and ideas tale of 'Micromegas' by Voltaire. One thing that struck me as particularly interesting is his reference to 'the Gemini'. This brought about thoughts in understanding the commonly regarded astrological sign throughout humanity. Even in this fictional tale written in 1752, our human race had a common understanding of zodiac signs.
This jewellery piece includes the materials brass metal and Perspex and uses techniques such as cold rivets (pin riveting, hollow riveting), hand sawing, sanding, hammering and chain forming.
The specific colours used symbolize the four elements in the zodiac system:
Blue: Water
Pink: Fire
Transparent: Air
Orange: Earth

They form a very structural geometric shape representing the outside universe and the zodiac system, which exists both physically and spiritually in the force of the planet alignment and astrology.
Connecting these geometric elements are the loose chains. These symbolize us as humans on the Earth. Our behaviour and movement is fluid and controlled by the outside universe.

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